Curriculum & Instruction Coach: Essential Role in Achieving the CHS Mission
At Catherine Hershey Schools for Learning (CHS), there is a unique position within our scholastic team. That is the role of Curriculum & Instruction Coach. These individuals at each location are essential in providing leadership, mentoring, and instructional support to enhance each teacher’s development, as well as curriculum and assessment practices. One of the coaches at CHS Harrisburg is Roshaye Johnson, who brings nearly two decades of teaching experience in urban communities. Passionate about developing relationships with teachers, Roshaye’s support for our teachers encourages growth, improves the quality of the early childhood education programming we deliver, and supports lifelong learning.

Despite growing up in Harrisburg, Roshaye was unfamiliar with Milton and Catherine Hershey’s legacy and the thousands of lives it transformed before applying to CHS. “The mission and vision of the center intrigued me, and I was also drawn to its location in the Uptown Harrisburg community where I grew up as a child,” said Roshaye. “I want to give back and be a positive example in my community. I know the importance of representation.”
Aside from CHS’ high-quality early childhood education, Roshaye says her favorite aspect of our program is our nearly year-long professional development program. She points out the learnings on leadership, diversity equity, and inclusion, brain development, trauma impact, emotional regulation, and team building—all set teachers and staff up for success before serving children and families.

The CHS Harrisburg site is at the corner of North Sixth and Muench Streets. Serving children and families in the community, the Early Childhood Education Center will serve children six weeks to age 5, with all costs covered for qualifying families. The CHS program has a whole-child approach that supports the child both at school and at home. This is done through a family success approach where Family Success Advocates keep families informed and help connect them to tools and resources. These include parenting and educational information, housing services, health care referrals, and job training.
Catherine Hershey Schools for Early Learning is still seeking team members for CHS Harrisburg, CHS Hershey, which opened in the fall of 2023, and CHS Middletown, which is scheduled to open in 2025. Opportunities can be found in the career section.